Apr 29, 2009

Curtiss King - Spacebars ft. Ab Soul and Young Rook

It's almost summer time....and the need for big beats 'n booties is ripe. Curtiss King's single from his upcoming release The Storm on Mars is just what the streets need...when you're waiting for the ice cream truck or making a late night run to the nearest biscuit serving establishment (withhh gravvvvyy , YES!). King hails from Carson, CA and makes beats with his M-Audio Axiom 25 Midi-Keyboard, whut whuttt. And check up on Young Rook's solo lyric projects...

Curtiss King - Spacebars ft Ab-Soul & Young Rook


Curtiss King said...

Thank you very much for the entry! It's very much appreciated.

teknacolorninja said...

h yes! it's fly :P