Often times, I just say that I'm busy working on something on the computer as an excuse to just sit and listen to music while doing mindless things. I only started using blogger; I had been over at wordpress for awhile and decided to switch things up when creating the NINJATRON blog. I never really read other people's blogs unless they are my friends or they are really good blogs that are actually enjoyable to me. So i'm not much of a stumble-upon fan. But tonight I decided to try out the "Next Blog>>" link on the top of the blog and well.... here's what I found:
This is Andrea R Georgas' blog. I've never heard of her until now, so I'm glad that I clicked on "Next Blog>>" to be able to find out about her. She's an illustrator, graduated from SCAD and does some pretty rad illustrations, mostly for bands. check her out, i'm bookmarking it.
Nothing too exciting here except lots and lots of baby pictures. Baby climbing the window, baby pushing crate around hockey ring, baby doing ballet, baby playing with other babies, and more!
family blog. not interested. next!
makes soaps. some look like cupcakes and cake. they look tasty.
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