I can't wait till this film hits the local theaters...
Speaking in Code is an intimate account of people who are completely lost in music. A heartbreaking and lighthearted documentary, it's a vérité glimpse into the world of techno/. The film takes you around the world, following the people who make electronic music ... their lives.
Speaking in Code took around 3 years to make and was in productions since June of 2005. Amy Grill (Director/Producer) and Scott Sans (Director of Photography) shot Europe for a month summer 2006. Filming completed in spring 2008 and the final cut was completed late spring 2008. Speaking in Code will be submitting to film festivals soon and is seeking distribution.
Starring : Modeselektor, Wighnomy Brothers, Monolake, Philip Sherburne, David Day & Amy Grill.
Also featuring:
Ellen Allien, Tobias Thomas, Marc LeClair AKA Akufen, Wolfgang Voigt, Michael Mayer, Reinhard Voigt, Sascha Ring AKA Apparat, Sascha Funke, Mario Willms AKA Douglas Greed, Miss Kittin, Dan Paluska AKA Six Million Dollar Dan, Mike Uzzi AKA Smartypants
Featuring music by:
Modeselektor, Wighnomy Brothers, Robag Wruhme, Ellen Allien & Apparat, The Field, Monolake, Michael Mayer, Gas, Jonas Bering, SCSI-9, Gui Boratto, Superpitcher, Steadycam, Dettinger, The Rice Twins, Reinhard Voigt, Oxia
director/producer AMY GRILL
director of photography SCOTT SANS
contact info: AMY@SQUAR3.COM 617.417.2944