Jan 30, 2009

Jane Bang

I just heard this track today and well, Jane Bang is some new talent with a lot to offer.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, Jane got into fashion and visual graphics when she moved out to L.A. This sexy lady has both African and Russian heritage and considers herself a liberal feminist with an indulgence for immoral excess.

Here's the evidence She's Hott (Near Dark Vampyros Lesbos Remix)

Jan 29, 2009

Valentine's Gay Dance Party!

Valentine's Gay Dance Party! from Ninjatronics Studio on Vimeo

If you are semi-epileptic you might not want to push play!
Otherwise....get ready to rock it for VALENTINE'S GAY! For more information please CLICK HERE or visit beyrownqueero.com!

Jan 22, 2009

dykes + fags podcast: episode 2

Play now


[21:49, 1/22/09]

Music featuring rad dykes, fags, and queers hosted by babeuseless.

01. electrelane - on parade
02. fischerspooner - never win
03. css - alala
04. the smiths - this charming man
05. the blow - the love that i crave
06. lesley gore - sometimes i wish i were a boy

(background music: matmos - tract for valerie solanas)

This podcast is collaboration between BeYrOwnQueero and the Ninjatronics Studio.

Ratatat - "Mirando" (Animal Collective Remix)

Ratatat - Mirando (Animal Collective Remix)

sorry if i've been neglectful, i've been spening a lot of time over at Be Yr Own Queero trying to hype up the Valentine's Gay party where me and teknacolorninja will be throwing down some tunes for your delight.

We'll be back in the studio soon to bring you NINJATRON 3. The Trilogy begins as we submerge deeper and deeper into the sea of music.

In the mean time, check out this remix by Animal Collective of Ratatat's "Mirando"

Jan 21, 2009

Valentine's Gay Dance Party!

Hey DANCE KIDS! Be Yr Own Queero and NiNjaTRon are throwing down for Valentine's GAY, so come 'n dance yo booty off! And.....BRING YOUR OWN DANCE MIX! Scantron and teknacolorninja will play your favorite dance tracks throughout the night. That's right, be the deejay or get in the groove V'gay style. . . we'll take care of the rest. We'll also be having Jimmy J and Jordan busting out some techy video deejaying that's bound to open your mind to what an epic dance party should always have. Please bring all CD mixes with a playlist before 10pm at the party so we can sift through the tunes. Location here

Check list for party!

- Bring Dance Mix [CD]
- Dress up in monochromatics [it'll be fun, just try it]
- Bring some loose $$$...for cups [21 over]
- Show up at the Rainbow Factory [location]

Jan 20, 2009


Happy Inauguration! Here's a nice little message from Santogold's "L.E.S. Artistes", in the spirit of hope, change and new beginnings with our new president Barack Obama. Sorry that we've been absent from the blog for a while...in the spirit of change we'll be doing a little housekeeping and gettin up on the boards more often. One love. xo

Jan 8, 2009

Another Lykke Li video

Here's a wonderful little follow up to Tekna Color Ninja's Lykke Li vid. It's her doing the same song on some show in Holland. I'm pretty sure I'm more than a little bit in love with her. Cheesy music joke of the year? Probably not... Also, check out her cover/remix of "Knocked Up" by Kings of Leon here.

Jan 6, 2009

Little Bit Video by Lykke Li

Little Bit - Lykke Li

This video rocks!! Getting some video clips together from my voyage to sofla from over the holidazzze. So be on the lookout for the Ninjatronics: Videocast Take Two along with our Dykes & Fags Podcast: Music For Queers Podcast . We're cookin up something good.   

HAPPY 2009 from the Ninjatronics Studio!